
There are many reasons why a business should have a blog. Firstly, it plays a huge part in building a sense of identity for your brand and a unique voice that will distance you from your competitors. It can provide a platform for thought leadership; an opportunity for you to share your ideas, experiences, knowledge and insights with your customers and other key players in your chosen industry. It helps to establish value in your brand and builds upon your legitimacy as its figurehead. It plays to your uniqueness as a business and as an entrepreneur and that’s something that none of your competitors can ever replicate! It’s an opportunity to give fickle customers that all-important something for nothing and a reason to keep coming back to your website and your brand…

But posting regular content in your blog can also give your website and your brand an organic SEO boost.

Think you can afford to overlook SEO? Think again! 

Veteran entrepreneurs may be tempted to believe that SEO (or Search Engine Optimization to the uninitiated) is merely a fad that will die down. However, the evidence shows that this is far from the case. SEO is not dying down, it’s constantly evolving. Blogging is integral to helping your online presence to evolve with it. Here’s how…

Blogging brings fresh content to your site

Google (the gold standard from which all other search engines take their cues) doesn’t like old, out of date content. It likes fresh and up-to-date content[1] which reduces its chances of misleading and misinforming its users. Ever notice that whenever you do a Google search most of the top entries on the SERP are from the past year or so? That’s no coincidence!

Bringing fresh regular content is a great way to get your website noticed by Google.

It bulks up your website

Think of every blog post as a workout for your website. These 500 word packages of wisdom and insight not only bring value to readers, they also help to bulk up your website. Google prefers bulkier websites with a lot of content and will always prioritize them over more meagre websites which haven’t updated since 2012. Every blog provides you with a new URL, and more URLs means more attention from Google[2].

It keeps users on-page

High bounce rates are not a good look on a website. Thus, when users don’t spend a lot of time on a website or don’t scroll too deeply they may not be taken quite so seriously by search engine crawlers as websites that can keep users on-page for longer[3]. Time on page and scroll depths are important metrics worth keeping an eye on.

It’s great for topic matching

When users are searching for the kinds of products and services you offer, search engines will head straight for web pages that can provide as much valuable information as possible. As such, it’s no longer enough to add a few judiciously chosen keywords here and there. Blog posts not only give you an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge to readers, they also help to establish you as a worthy source in the eyes of search engines.

If you don’t start blogging, your competitors will!

As you can see, there are a variety of reasons why blogging will earn you the favor of search engines. But perhaps a more urgent reason to blog for SEO is that if you don’t take advantage of the SEO benefits, your competitors will!

[1] Source https://seositecheckup.com/articles/5-reasons-why-fresh-content-is-critical-for-your-website-and-seo

[2] Source https://ewebscapes.com/blogging-for-seo/

[3] Source https://moz.com/blog/the-2-user-metrics-that-matter-for-seo

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